Why you should choose passbeemedia?

As we know that Technological advancement always changes the life styles. Passbeemedia is another example of modern technology. It is a comprehensive mobile coupon, wallet and a loyalty platform. Passbeemedia is a simple, self-service platform that reaches to the customers where they are online from their mobile devices to create and distribute apple passbooks, Google wallet local offers and deals worldwide. Passbeemedia is a mobile marketing platform.


The answer of the question that why you should choose passbeemedia is that the other mobile marketing platforms offer a few features but passbeemedia offer a range of services to their customers. Also include different mobile marketing tools which are QR codes coupon, text massages, digital wallets, digital tickets, iBeacons, loyalty programs and cards and even more shortened URLs.

How you can use passbeemedia Company? Well it is really easy to use. The first thing is that you need to choose your pricing plans. Your plan which you choose will depend upon the size and nature of the business. When you have your package then you can easily build your offer. Next you have the advantage of everything that what social media offer to you. You can even track your offers by passbeemedia dashboard.

Passbeemedia is available in 30 days free trial version. In this trial version you can have 25 passes, 1 template and email support. And when your trial is over then you can choose your premium plans that start in the range of $149 per month. There are a variety of plans for the users. And each plan has many more unique features separately for medium and large businesses. There is also an expertise edition for larger corporations.

Passbeemedia is also a passbook for android app that allows customers not only receive coupons but also able to organized them. Coupon is an attractive thing not just because tight budget but also wealthiest people want to get discount on something. This is also an advantage for your business; you will earn more than compensate what you spend. This is one of the most inexpensive marketing tools of passbeemedia. With iBeacon technology, an energy efficient Bluetooth technology that opened a pathway for inter device communications. IBeacon has certain advantages like it extract location targeting, friendly battery utilization, information during shopping and instant purchasing of goods. These are all the main features of passbeemedia.



How you can use passbeemedia?

You can easily get started with passbeemedia. Simply follow these four steps:

  1. Select your comprehensive pricing plans that suits for your business. And these plans are for every type of businesses whether small, medium or large businesses.
  2. When you chore your plan the build your offer by simply choose one of the professionally design template for your campaign. And if you want to create your own design then it will be automatically save as new template.
  3. With the help of social media, sms, emails you are able to connect with your potential customers in the market.
  4. And at the end you can track your offer s, users’ segmentations and platform performance by using passbeemedia analytical dashboard.